Monday, February 16, 2009

Willow says "of course I wasn't eating his goldfish!"

Last week was crazy and busy for all of us, but it was wonderful. Jerret was busy at work and Bruce and I had many activities going on. We had a family day on Valentine's Day. We went to Possum Kingdom Lake and explored some of the small towns that are west of us. We also went out to dinner. It was a very nice day. We would have pictures to show you of us at the lake, etc, but we forgot the camera that day, so you'll just have to take our word for it. We had a great time!

Eating lunch with cousin John

Bruce has a new thing (doesn't he always). He gets up on his toes and hands or his feet, hands, and head with his little butt up in the air. He does this literally hundreds of times a day. We aren't sure what he's doing. It looks to me like he's doing the Downward Dog yoga pose. He may be trying to stand since he readily will stand if you hold his hands when he does this. Here are some pictures of the new antics. Any explanations?

Please don't eat me - I'm too cute!

Here is the first product of my cake decorating class. It's not the best, but I really have a lot of fun.

Bruce doesn't usually crawl on hands and knees, but does the "army crawl". He can get going crazy fast if he really wants to get somewhere!

1 comment:

The Masons said...

His crawl is so adorable!! He looks like he's doing push ups in the one picture, it is so cute. I love watching them grow and discover, it is amazing!!