Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today's Dr. appointment (for myself and our little girl) went pretty well. The doctor concluded that labor could kick in at any time now! Good. These contractions have been doing their job. We're ready. I hope...
The doctor has set us to the work of finding flu vaccines since I am in a high risk category. I was hoping to escape this by not being pregnant here pretty soon, but we would want have it done with a newborn in the house anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter. It's better than staying in and not making any public appearances, which has been our solution thus far. It would make me feel a bit better since there are so many people around here that have had such a battle with the flu and swine flu. Our prayers are with all the sick families at church and elsewhere!

We took this video trying to get yet more footage of Bruce's dance moves. However, when the camera came on, he decided to just run in circles and get dizzy. We find it very amusing when he does this, but we are the parents. We understand if you do not. Don't feel bad if you skip out on this one or stop it half way through. That's really all it is. I will sum up for those without the interest of a grandma - he claps at the end. I say all this because I don't think our non-parent friends and family always understand why we think our offspring is the most perfect, genius, attractive, and hilarious specimen out there. I don't know either. Can't help it - it's nature. Just being honest. :)


K. Huggins said...

well said Holly! Many non-parents just don't get it! Great video Bruce! ;o)

Joyce said...

Bruce is a perfect, genius, attractive, and hilarious specimen of humanity. I loved the video. That's my grandson.