I have been lax on blog updates but am having so much fun spending time with the kids lately! Although blogging is fun, it's way more fun to be a mom than to document it! I'll try to be better in the future. No promises!
Autumn is now 5 months and is eating a few solid foods. She is such a happy little thing! She can now roll over and sit up with support. She's very healthy and growing out of her clothes quickly! She's already in 6 to 9 month clothes - she's tall and skinny! She has been teething for months (drooling, chewing, and some pain) but no teeth have come in yet.
(Too bad this pic doesn't come with sound)
Here's Autumn eating her first bites of solid food. I think she was more thrown off by the fact that no one was holding her at the dinner table like they're supposed to!
Bruce will be 2 next month and is talking up a storm! He says pretty much anything so you really have to watch what you say around him. It will come right back out! He has new phrases every day. Some of the most recent are "Nite nite Audi" (Audi's what he calls Autumn), "I love you" (pronounced "wubbi"), and "Sit truck, please" (a request to sit in Jerret's truck - the other day he said this for HOURS when Jerret was at work!!!). He can now say most of the basic colors, including the recently acquired, not-so-basic "camo" and "khaki". :)