Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's Day

Bruce with Daddy on Father's Day #1

Since Jerret had to be out of town on Sunday, we had a wonderful first Father's Day celebration on Saturday instead. The weather cooperated nicely! We barbecued at home and had a picnic, then went to a housewarming party at Kirsten's new home.

Bruce is now 2 months old! The time has flown by. He seems to have grown so much and is so alert, changing every day.

These are some of his 8 week portraits

One of his silly smiles

Just cute

Crashed out in the car seat after a day on the town with Erin and Mommy

1 comment:

The Masons said...

Awww... his portraits are so cute!!! He looks like he has changed even since I saw you two!