Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting Ready for Christmas

Bruce showing off his 2 new teeth

Bruce is 7 months now and does a lot of talking. He says mama and dada, but indiscriminately so far. He is as happy as ever and has learned that clicking his tounge or razzing makes mom and dad do it back. He has numerous solid foods in his diet now and has even grown out of gagging on chunky food (although I have to admit, that was amusing sometimes). He grows in and out of clothes in no time, just like he should. He still loves being outside, kitties, being read to, his glow worm, and many other things throughout his day.

Another shot of the new teeth

I made a sandwich for myself for lunch the other day and I couldn't help but add a side of pickled peppers to my plate. Joyce got them for me at a craft fair and they are pickled and spicy and addictive. I try to practice moderation with them, but this day I meant to have one and 3 appeared on my plate somehow. I brought my lunch over to the coffee table so I could eat next to Bruce, who was playing on the floor, and see what genius he was up to now. As soon as I sat down, he was eyeing the peppers. He tried to grab them and I pulled my plate away from him. He expressed instant disapproval. I explained that he didn't actually want them. If he even touched them, he would put his fingers in his mouth or eyes and scream and cry. If he put one in his mouth, the pain wouldn't go away for a long time. He wouldn't understand and he would regret it. I further explained that when he was older he could have some and he may like them then, but that I knew this was best for him now. Then God turned it into a learning moment. I realized that this is why I need to be close to God. There are so many things in my life that go this way. I try to grab for them and He pulls the plate away and says "You don't actually want that, Holly. It will make you scream and cry. The pain won't go away for a long time. You don't understand, but you would regret it. You may be better equipped to handle this when you are more mature, but I know what's best for you now." Even stranger than how much my son has learned from me in the past 7 months is how much I have learned from him. Parenthood continues to humble me as I stop for moments like this.

I put Bruce in the backpack carrier for the first time (he loved it, by the way) and we walked downtown to the Christmas parade. It only cost 2 baby socks for admission. Almost everywhere costs us 2 baby socks. Some quick trips only cost us 1, though. Anyway, apparently the only requirements to be in the parade are having a big truck (which everyone does) and having a trailer (which everyone does). Then they just dress up the truck and put a bunch of kids in santa hats and drive down main street. Here are some pictures just in case you missed it. Bruce and I plan to make an appearance in the Weatherford Christmas Parade next week with our MOPS group. Hopefully we will have pictures to prove it!

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