Friday, February 6, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Now that we are settled in and are finding the niches where we belong, our calendar is filling up! This week and next are huge work weeks for Jerret. We are in a Bible study on Sunday and are finding ourselves very at home in our church (we never really thought of ourselves as Baptist, but I guess we are now!). I go to a Community Bible Study group on Wednesdays and a cake decorating class on Thursdays. Bruce is goes to a Christian Learning Center on Thursdays (and sometimes Tuesdays). He also goes to the CBS childrens' program when I am there on Wednesdays. Next week, we have MOPs on Friday and Bruce has a Moppets Valentine's Day Party (more for me than him, obviously) on Tuesday! Whew! It is wonderful for us to be involved, though. All of these extra-curricular activities enrich our lives so much!

"Quit taking pictures - just put me to bed!"

Why do parents think it's cute when their kids make a mess with food?

I don't know either, but it sure is!

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