Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Past Month or So

We've been keeping very busy in the month or so since our last post. We did make it back from Colorado and had a great time there. Jerret missed us just as much as we missed him. While we were gone, our area of Texas had a white Christmas! That's pretty much unheard of here. Of course it happens while most of our little family wasn't around to see it! That's okay though. We had plenty of snow to play in while we were in Colorado. We got to see lots of family and some friends, but still not everyone we wanted to. :( Autumn had a great first Christmas. She just enjoyed being passed from one snuggly set of arms to another. Bruce was nice enough to open her many gifts for her, even though he had a ton of his own to open as well! We had to mail 8 boxes of gifts and clothes home! He had great fun watching his cousins play and even might have learned a thing or two about snowball fight and/or Nerf war strategy. We have been keeping busy since we've been back with nothing in particular. Everything we do seems much more busy with our larger family!

Autumn is almost 4 months old already! She is warming the hearts of everyone around her with her smiles and brand new laughter! Her health remains good. Her reflux is lessening as she gets older and her weight gain is appropriate. It looks like we have another tall, skinny one for the Eastburg family! She's growing out of her 3 month clothes more and more each day, which is both sad and happy at the same time. She is a great sleeper, getting up only once in the night most nights and taking better naps throughout the day. It's very interesting to see her little personality develop and to note that it's clearly different from Bruce's which is even obvious at this young age.

Bruce is talking more and more every day. Among his latest words are shoes, blocks, sauce (being anything that you can dip your food into), please, cracker, and Autumn (whose name changes often according to Bruce - Auta, Audie, and Awa are the most recent). He can show you all the basic colors and can say a few of them as well. The oval (pronounced "obal") is his current favorite shape and he will point one out anytime he can. He is very helpful in caring for his little sister. He will bring a diaper if she needs to be changed, wipe her mouth if she spits up, and even give her her pacifier when she is crying. What a sweet brother! Below are some of the pictures from our trip and some pics and video of our time since we've been back. Enjoy!

Making the Watergate salad for Christmas dinner

Ripping into the presents

Sleeping through all the chaos

Having a great time!

Meeting the rest of the family

Uncle James showing off his Christmas present - yikes!
The older cousins got smaller versions of this Nerf gun. If you weren't there to witness it, I'm sure you can imagine the craziness of it all! Bruce really wanted to join in but it quickly became obvious that it was an activity for older kids. I'll have to agree that it looked like fun. Maybe next year, Buddy!

Wouldn't want to run across these two in a dark alley!

Out in the snow with the cousins

Snuggling with Aunt Kimmy

Reading with Aunt Christa


He's a very busy man

Cuddling with cousin Faith

We went to Focus on the Family while we were in Colorado. They have an amazing area for kids to play! It was like it's own little world in there!

Watching Veggietales on the big screen

Going into the Wardrobe from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe or the movie Narnia

In Narnia with Aslan behind him

Exiting Narnia

Discovering the sound effects used for the radio show

Peeking through the port hole

Exploring the huge airplane

What a fun place!

In a boat in the toddler play area

Putting on a show with the older boy cousins

Posing as the radio stars outside the sound booth


The more collective Us


Visiting the family grave sites

Christmas jammies

Holding her head up

More tummy time

He really wanted to be in the picture so I let him

Christmas Bible

He put on his hat and mittens and then I had to break it to him that we're home now and there's no snow outside!


Reading a bedtime story to his sister

Oh, I'm sorry. Are we interrupting you?

Here's a video of Autumn's smile. I tried to get one of her laugh but of course, she won't do it when the camera's on.

For your listening pleasure...

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