Sunday, December 18, 2011

Admission of My Crockpot Addiction and Other Family News

Just to answer the most asked question of late - no, we don't yet know if it's a boy or girl.  Whatever "it" is, it's sure a wiggly little critter!  That's a dead give away to its relation to the other two wiggly ones we have.  We find out if they have a little brother or sister a few weeks after Christmas.  We'll let ya know!

I don't think there are too many true geniuses out there.  Other than Jerret, I can only think of a handful - alive and on earth in human form, anyway.  But I just added one to that list.  And if you are even the least bit friendly to cooking with a slow cooker, I think you will too.  I have checked her blog a few times in the past when I didn't have time to kill (do I ever?!) and always made a mental note to get back to it.  Well, I finally did.  And I am amazed.  The URL for her home page is and her wealth of recipes is listed alphabetically here:   I think I just found a new best friend.

Bruce's new obsession is writing his name.
On everything.  : / 
They tell me I'll find that even more amusing in 20 years or so.

He drew his first self portrait in our advent activity on Friday

He's so cool.

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