Friday, April 24, 2009

Milestones: Walking and Chipotle

Bruce can now walk very short distances unassisted! He started with just 2 steps the day before his birthday and now can make a short path across the room! We have now become the official cheering section every time he shows effort. We are working on getting a video of this so you can witness some of these precious first steps with us. Below is a previous video of him walking with his new birthday train from Grandma Eastburg.

Another important milestone was reached this week - his first Chipotle visit (outside the womb)! The only reason it took this long for us to get here is because the closest Chipotle is about 1 hour away (I know - poor us). He loved it, of course. He went without the hot salsa this time, but really got into his guac. And for those of you who are about to throw out evil comments from memories back in the day, I will get this out on the table right now. No, I didn't make him dress up like a burrito! (If you don't understand the above statements, consider yourself blessed for missing out on the humiliation of a lifetime!)

1 comment:

James said...

To the left... that must be the biggest baby gate I have ever seen!